Meet the Father Daughter Duo

Nick “Nicky” DiCarlo
The Mastermind
Ava DiCarlo
The Woman in Charge

What is Bravado ?
It’s a word yes but it’s also a song written by Neil Peart drummer for Rush. This song has carried me through everything in my life.
Over a decade ago found a new bottom several times, but the last bottom I decided I hurt the last person from my daughter to mother, I have shamed myself and family for the very last time! So after losing a successful business that I was so proud of and being fresh out of jail “yes jail” I started shoveling mulch for a very good friend swallowing the pride I didn’t have anymore but I never looked back for the next 12 years I grinded harder than anyone I know, took chances, lost everything 3 separate times investing in myself, I was kicked punched and knocked down, but my momma didn’t raise me to stay down. So kicked and punched back harder, the lord has blessed me with a will that I don’t even understand and don’t try to. I just know I am blessed and now able to use the full round of my talents for all of you and give it back, right my wrongs!! And yes I am proud of that and that is Bravado to me!
Nicky DiCarlo

“No matter where you go or turn, you will always end up at home.”